About Liz

After a career in social work, Liz has spent the last 30+ years working with individuals and organizations to inspire and drive change.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE testing is the foundations of her practice.

Liz has two professional expectations – LEARNING and LAUGHTER!

Your experience working with Liz will be uplifting and light hearted, regardless of how challenged you feel in the moment.

A calm heart, a clearer mind and a more thoughtful approach to  your personal and professional life are yours to have.

Liz is here to help you achieve those dreams!

Contact Liz for:

  • Emotional Intelligence Testing – One Time or Ongoing
  • Executive Leadership Coaching – Improve your AND your team’s performance
  • Life Coach Support – One Time or Ongoing

My Mission

To provide the tools and support for my clients to achieve their personal and professional aspirations.

Why Choose Liz

Whether for EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE TESTING or LIFE SKILLS COACHING you can be assured that you will receive:

Companies Who Trust Liz

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Stop Wishing.

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